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Basic Kit requirements 

Tunic: the basic tunic is a Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse in either m35 or m40 pattern. This tunic should include a Luftwaffe breast eagle, yellow collar tabs with rank insignia, and yellow piped shoulder boards

Trousers: m38 jump trousers are required for all members

Cotton service shirt: Luftwaffe blue is preferred but other colors such gray or green would also be fine

Boots: type 2 front lacing boots are required for new members

Hat: m43 are more appropriate for late war but m38 overseas hats are also fine 

Helmet: new members should purchase a m38 paratrooper helmet painted in field gray or in Normandy camouflage

Belt: should be in black leather with a Luftwaffe belt buckle

Jump smock: should be the third pattern in Splinter B for new members 

Belt: should be in black leather with a luftwaffe belt buckle

Y-straps: lightweight style in black leather 

Bread-bag: M31 in Luftwaffe blue 

K98 Bandoleer: should be in Splinter-B or in Luftwaffe blue

Entrenching Tools: either fixed or folding shovels are approved 

Gas mask items: Fallschirmjäger gas mask bag or metal gas mask can are approved, these can be painted in field gray, field blue or painted in Normandy style camouflage  

Zeltbahn: should be in splinter-A and unit members should at least purchase 2

Bayonet: the correct WW2 German style should be purchased with leather frog in brown leather 

Once all of the basic field gear is purchased members can begin to buy optional kit items these include uniforms, field gear and other personal items 

Tunics: one may purchase a Luftwaffe Tuchrock for dress or going out attire

Trousers: Luftwaffe m40 or m43 trousers in field blue wool 

Boots: veteran members may purchase type 1 side lacing boots or German low boots with Luftwaffe Gamaschen 

Jump Smocks: after two years of membership members may purchase a smock in green or water tan camouflage, also Luftwaffe field division jackets in splinter-B are also unit approved  

Helmet: the only approved stahlhelm should be a m42 in field blue with a Luftwaffe eagle decal  


Field Gear

Optional kit

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