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Approved Weapons 

K98: members should first buy German Mauser K98 as this was the most common weapon and standard issue for all branches of the German Wehrmacht. one should also purchase a bandoleer for this weapon as it was common for Fallschirmjäger to wear them.

G41: these were first the semi-auto rifles that Germany would produce for World War 2. If one were to purchase one of these rifles a K98 Bandoleer should be use with this firearm as it feeds stripper clips like the K98.


G43/K43: these are semi-automatic rifles that were developed from the G41 but with minor improvements including an improved gas system and a detachable 10 round magazine. As far as ammunition pouches there is no common style, typically soldiers were issued 3 magazines and wore a G43 pouch with a K98 pouch.


FG42: these rifles were exclusive issued to Fallschirmjäger and were issued to all ranks. Real versions are expensive to own and hard to find, however there are companies that make reproductions that are acceptable for use. FG42s had their own bandoleer.


MP38/MP40: These were the most widespread issue sub-machine gun in the German Wehrmacht. typically issued to squad leaders and NCO`s, Fallschirmjägers were generous issued these and was common later in the war to see multiple soldiers in a squad carrying these. if one uses an MP38/MP40 they should get least 7 mags and pouches in blue canvas. 

MG34/MG42: The common issue machine guns for the German Wehrmacht. both saw extensive use and where issued throughout the war. usually one would be issued per squad and required a 2 to 3 man crew to operate it. The MG gunner himself wears a mg tool pouch and can also carry a pistol.


P.08/P.38: Both these pistols were the standard sidearm in the Wehrmacht. The P.08 or Luger was seen very early in the war but began to be phased out by the newer P38. The only soldiers who got these were NCOs, squad leaders and MG crew members.  



Standard Issue

Foreign Weapons

Beretta 38 series: Italian sub-machine guns that include the 38A, 38/42, 38/44. Considered the best Italian weapon of the war the Germans loved them and always tired to acquire them. These would be suitable for any impression whether it would be Western, Eastern, or Southern Front.  

KP-31 Suomi: Finnish sub-machine guns that utilized by both Finnish and German troops during the war. Roughly 3,000 were ordered for the German Wehrmacht. These would be appropriate for Eastern front or Western Front.

PPSH 41/PPS 43: Both of these sub-machine guns were used by the Russians and were mass produced throughout the war. German soldiers captured these and like them for there reliability and rate of fire. these two weapons are only allowed at Eastern Front event without exception.

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